5 Jobs Of the Future
Nursing Practitioners
Nursing Practitioners are registered nurses that treat and diagnose disease and illnesses, as well as prescribing medication. They provide nursing care to patients in environments such as hospitals, aged care and other health care facilities.
Software and Systems Developers
Software and Systems Developers perform development tasks such as program design and assessment. This role can also involve responsibilities such as undertaking maintenance, checking software and looking after customer support for this software and its functioning systems.
Accountants are responsible for offering services in financial reporting, taxation and accounting systems, along with preparing plans, putting budgets in place and cost management for both companies and individuals. Accountants may also be in charge of filing taxes for their organisation and reviewing previous reports that assist in the generation of income forecasts.
Computer and Information Systems Managers
Computer and Information Systems Managers are responsible for the maintenance, support, design and modifications that ensure that networks, software and other virtual environment infrastructures are operative and are up to date. They are also in charge of delegating tasks to developers and providing training to staff.
Hospitality Managers
The hospitality industry typically covers services found in hotels, restaurants and cafes. Hospitality Managers will all find customer service at the heart of their duties, with efficient and professional service to customers of high importance to the industry. Generally, a Hospitality Manager will supervise and support all customer-facing employees, and may also be responsible for training new staff. Bookkeeping responsibilities may also fall under a Hospitality Manager’s duties.